Welcome to SlipperOrchids.info
First and foremost, for use of their photos, I would like to thank
Dot Barnett,
Jon Barsalou,
Lisa Beausejour, bench72,
William Bellingham, Elizabeth Berenstein, Todd Boland,
David Boucher,
Zach Bradford,
Ray Brown,
Ron Burch (http://www.gardensatposthill.com/),
Peter Cataldo,
Darin Clapp,
Teresa Cohen,
Jay Ciezki,
Darren Clapp, Helena Cohen, Teresa Cohen, Tadd Daniel,
Ibn Dionisio, Adam Dreisewerd,
Dave Eickhoff,
Jean-Pierre Faust,
Stan Fazi,
Kim Feddersen,
Colin A. Flynn,
J. Matthew Gore,
Stephan Haberer,
Rob Halgren,
David Harrap,
Ross Hella,
Richard Hepler,
Daniel Herrera, Wendy Hoffman,
Christoph Hutter, Alexander Jeans, Tom Keating,
Roy Lee,
Rick Lockwood,
Kyle Lucyk,
Lien Luu,
Jean Lux,
Heather McDonald,
Wolfgang Meier,
Marilyn Morton,
Bruce Mullenix,
Hien Nguyen,
Teresa Nguyen,
Mangkara Nongrang,
Gilda Pafford,
Paul P. Perakos,
Donna Philips,
Jean-Paul Pichardie,
Somphon Potisophon,
Ron Rayher,
Shanna Read, C. Rehm,
Clark T. Riley (http://cyps.us/),
Kim Robilliard,
Gideon Scheepers,
Istvan Semsey, Ignas Stanevicius,
Russell Stoddart,
Carsten Strömpl,
Roberto Takase,
Naoki Takebayashi,
Marcus Tan,
Eliseo Teson, Allan Tetzlaff, Trithor, C. Ufford, Richard T. Van Zandt II,
Yijia Wang,
and D.E. Wittkower.
I met many of these and many other wonderful people at Slippertalk.com.
New! I have added two pages to the menu above - Paph
Species Descriptions and Phrag Species Descriptions. I'm working on
gathering and posting all the original descriptions of Paph & Phrag species (and
synonyms). So far, I've gotten almost all from the Victorian Era and the
freely available modern ones. I am in the process of gathering scans of
the remaining modern ones from nearby libraries but many European/World orchid
journals aren't available in my area. I have posted a list of the articles
I need below. If anyone has .pdf's they can send me or has the magazines
and would be willing to scan the articles for me I would be grateful.
Please send them to silence882@gmail.com.
Once I have gathered most of the descriptions I'll be contacting the authors and
publishers for permission to post. The articles I need are:
- Caesiana
- Paph. callosum var. potentianum - Gruss & Roeth in Caesiana, 5: 39 (1995)
- Paph. tranlienianum - Gruss & Perner in Caesiana, 7(11): 63-73 (1998)
- Phrag. tetzlaffianum - Gruss in Caesiana, 15: 33-40 (2000)
- Phrag. longifolium fma. minutum - Gruss in Caesiana, 16: 40 (2001)
- Paph. delenatii fma. vinicolor - Gruss & Roeth in Caesiana, 29: 4 (2007)
- Die Orchidee
- Paph. x wuliangshanicum - Liu, Gruss, & Chen in Die Orchidee, 62: 190 (2011)
- Paph. stenolomum - Liu, Gruss & Chen in Die Orchidee, 62: 190 (2011)
- Paph. cornuatum - Liu, Gruss & Chen in Die Orchidee, 62: 275 (2011)
- Paph. bellatulum fma. chlorophyllum - Perner in Die Orchidee, 63: 427 (2012)
- Paph. x schlechterianum - Gruss in Die Orchidee, 64: 19 (2013)
- Paph. papuanum fma. alexejianum - Gruss in Die Orchidee, 64: 44 (2013)
- Paph. praestans var. bicornutum - Gruss in Die Orchidee, 65: 22 (2014)
- Journal fur den Orchideenfreund (journal name was recently changed to OrchideenJournal)
- Paph. hilmari - Sengas & Schettler in Journal fur den Orchideenfreund, 6(1): 4 (1999)
- Orchideeen (Dutch journal)
- Paph. tonsum var. braemii - Mohr in Orchideeen, 51(6): 175-176 (1989)
- Orchideenbrief (An obscure German publication of some sort)
- Paph. fairrieanum fma. bohlmannianum - Matho in Orchideenbrief 1(42): 1 (1942)
- Orchidees. Culture et Protection
- Paph. gigantifolium - Braem, Baker & Baker in Orchidees. Culture et Protection, No. 30: 5-12 (1997)
- Paph. charlesworthii fma. sandowiae, Paph. villosum fma. aureum, Paph. fowliei fma. christianae, Paph. hookerae var. volonteanum fma. sandowii, Paph. tonsum fma. alboviride, Paph. urbanianum fma. alboviride, Paph. robinsonii fma. viride - Braem in Orchidees. Culture et Protection, 36: 35-38 (1998)
- Paph. parnatanum - Cavestro in Orchidees. Culture et Protection, reimpr., 38: 30 (1999)
- Paph. cerveranum - Braem in Orchidees. Culture et Protection, 38: 28-30 (1999)
- Paph. mirabile - Cavestro & Chiron in Orchidees. Culture et Protection, No. 38: 31-34 (1999)
- Orchis (Italy)
- Paph. chamberlainianum var. kalinae - Braem in Orchis, No. 93: 18-23 (1995)
- Orquidea (Mexico)
- P. exstaminodium - Castano, Hagsater, & Aguirre in Orquidea, 9(29): 193 (1984)
- Rhone - Alpes Orchidees
- Paph. intaniae - Cavestro in Rhone - Alpes Orchidees, reimpr., 25: 5 (2000)
- Paph. sugiyamanum - Cavestro in Rhone - Alpes Orchidees, 27: 3 (2001)
- Paph. robinsonianum - Cavestro in Rhone - Alpes Orchidees, prepr. 52: 14 (2014 publ. 2013)
- Schlechteriana
- Paph. henryanum - Braem in Schlechteriana, 1: 3-6 (3 September, 1987)
- Paph. schoseri, Paph. topperi - Braem & Mohr in Schlechteriana, 2: 15-22 (1988)
- Phrag. besseae fma. flavum - Braem in Schlechteriana, 1(2): 55 (1990)
- Paph. henryanum fma. christae - Braem in Schlechteriana, 2(4): 157-162 (1991)
- Paph. fowliei var. sangianum - Braem in Schlechteriana, 4: 52 (1993)
- Swiss Orchid Society Bulletin
- Paph. x trantuanii - Gogniat & Loubr. in Swiss Orchid Society Bulletin, 1: 2 (2008)
- Waling-Waling Review
- Paph. adductum var. anitum - Golamco in Waling-Waling Review, 6(2): 9-14 (1998)
Also, I am always in search of new pictures (even of those blooms which I have multiples of), so if anyone would allow me to use their photos, please send me an e-mail.
Page Created By: Stephen Manza
Home Page Last Updated: 11-3-18
For corrections, questions, comments, broken links or anything else, please contact: silence882@gmail.com