album.jpg) |
fma. bellatulum |
fma. album |
Paphiopedilum bellatulum (Reichenbach fil.) Stein
- Described: Reichenbach fil. In the Gardener's Chronicle, 3rd series, 3: 648 (1888)
- Transferred: Stein in Stein's Orchideenbuch, 456 (1892)
- Etymology: Derived from the Latin 'bellus', meaning beautiful.
- Varieties & Forms:
Paphiopedilum bellatulum fma. album (O'Brien in the Gardener's Chronicle, 3rd series, 17: 748 (1895)) Braem in Braem et al., The Genus Paphiopedilum, 1: 97 (1998) - albino form
- Synonyms: none
- Chromosome Count -
2n = |
metacentrics |
telocentrics |
n.f. |
26 |
26 |
0 |
52 |
Plant Habit
- Leaves: 4-5, up to 14 cm long, 5 cm wide
- Inflorescence: 1- (rarely 2-) flowered, very short, 2-4.5 cm long, purple-green with maroon spots, white-pubescent
- Bloom: 5-8 cm wide
- Plant:
fma. bellatulum
fma. album
Habitat Data
- Distribution -

- Elevation: 900-1500 m
- Peak Flowering in the Wild: May-June
- Ecology: limestone cliffs under the shade of low trees and shrubs
- Mean Temperature Range: 16-25°C
- Light: light-moderate shade
- Medium: calcareous, a thin layer of leaf mold or moss, pH 8.0
- Water (D-drier, M-moderate, W-wetter):
Month |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Water |
D |
D |
D |
D |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
M |
D |
D |
- Braem, Guido J., and Guy Chiron. Paphiopedilum. Saint-Genis Laval, France: Tropicalia, 2003.
- Cribb, Phillip J. The Genus Paphiopedilum. Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia: Natural History Publications in association with Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1998.
- Fitch, Charles Marden. "Perky Paphiopedilums: A Bounty of Color and Pattern Awaits Those Who Explore Slipper Orchids." Orchids 73, no. 6 (Jun 2004): 428-33.
- Gruss, O. "Albino Forms of the Slipper Orchids." Orchid Digest 69, no. 4 (Oct/Dec 2005): 204-29.
- Karasawa, K. "Karyomorphological Studies in Paphiopedilum, Orchidaceae." Bulletin of the Hiroshima Botanical Garden 2 (Mar 1979): 1979.
- Tsi ZhanHuo et al. "A Preliminary Report on the Population Size, Ecology, and Conservation Status of Some Paphiopedilum Species (Orchidaceae) in Southwest China." Lindleyana 14, no. 1 (1999): 12-23.
Primary Hybrids
Paph. bellatulum x |
Hybrid |
armeniacum |
 Wössner Bellarmi |
delenatii |
 Vanda M. Pearman |
emersonii |
 Cam's Cloud |
hangianum |
Karl Ploberger |
malipoense |
 Ma Belle |
micranthum |
 Kevin Porter |
vietnamense |
Wössner Vietnam Beauty |
concolor |
Conco-bellatulum |
godefroyae |
 S. Gratrix |
niveum |
 Psyche |
wenshanense |
Sakaki |
boxallii |
Beeckmanii |
charlesworthii |
Dora Crawshaw |
druryi |
Phaedra |
exul |
Belle Luxe |
fairrieanum |
 Iona |
henryanum |
Governor Patrick Henry |
hirsutissimum |
Schofieldianum |
insigne |
Helen II |
spicerianum |
Enid |
tigrinum |
Wössner Tigerbell |
villosum |
Allertonense |
acmodontum |
Doctor Jane |
argus |
Madeline |
barbatum |
Charles Richman |
bullenianum |
Kelly Lerud |
callosum |
 Wottonii |
ciliolare |
 Olenus |
curtisii |
Chapmanii |
dayanum |
 Annie Measures |
hookerae |
Youngiae |
javanicum |
Java Bell |
lawrenceanum |
Lawrebel |
mastersianum |
Hopkinsianum |
sukhakulii |
 Evelyn Röllke |
superbiens |
Mrs. Fred Hardy |
tonsum |
Hunteri |
urbanianum |
Duane Erdmann |
venustum |
Venubel |
violascens |
Sandy's Brocade |
wardii |
Black Jaguar |
wolterianum |
Erdmann |
adductum |
Weltz Ballad |
glanduliferum |
Peg Samuel |
haynaldianum |
Ariel |
kolopakingii |
 Kim Rainbow De |
lowii |
Chai-Ui Lady |
philippinense |
Phoebe |
rothschildianum |
Rolfei |
sanderianum |
Wössner Bellsand |
stonei |
Paris |
chamberlainianum |
Rowena |
glaucophyllum |
 Charles Sladden |
liemianum |
Edward George Kubista |
primulinum |
 Sand Dollar |
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Page Created By: Stephen Manza
Last Updated: 7-21-06
contact: silence882@gmail.com