Paphiopedilum coccineum Perner & Herrmann
- Described: Perner & Herrmann in Die Orchidee, 51(5): 622-624 (2000) - Described based on photographs taken by Rolf Herrmann in private nurseries in Hanoi.
- Etymology: Derived from the latin coccineus, meaning 'scarlet-colored'; named for the red center of the dorsal sepal.
- Varieties & Forms: none
- Synonyms:
Paphiopedilum barbigerum var. lockianum Averyanov in Komarova, 2: 11 (2002)
- Chromosome Count - unknown
Plant Habit
- Leaves: 4-6, 8-14 cm long, 0.5-1.5 cm wide, uniformly green
- Inflorescence: 1-flowered, 14-18 cm long, brown-purple, shortly light-brown pubescent
- Bloom: 6-10 cm wide, larger than that of Paph. barbigerum
- Plant:

Habitat Data
- Distribution -

- Elevation: 600-1000 m
- Peak Flowering in the Wild: September-October
- Ecology: scattered plants or small colonies growing in cracks or on ridges near the summits of eroded limestone mountains
- Mean Temperature Range: 12-23°C
- Light: light shade
- Medium: calcareous, thin soil, leaf litter
- Water (D-drier, M-moderate, W-wetter) -
Month |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Water |
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- Averyanov, L. et al. Slipper Orchids of Vietnam. Portland, OR: Timber Press, 2003.
- Braem, Guido J., and Guy Chiron. Paphiopedilum. Saint-Genis Laval, France: Tropicalia, 2003.
Primary Hybrids - none registered
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Page Created By: Stephen Manza
Last Updated: 10-22-06
contact: silence882@gmail.com