Paphiopedilum herrmannii Füchs & Reisinger
- Described: Füchs & Reisinger in Linzer Biologische Beitrage, 27(2): 1213-1215 (1995) - Based on a clone from a batch of plants labelled as P. esquirolei which flowered at the Municipal Botanic Gardens in Linz, Austria.
- Etymology: Named for Rolf Herrmann, a German orchid grower.
- Varieties & Forms: none
- Synonyms: none
- Chromosome Count - unknown
Plant Habit
- Leaves: 3-5, up to 22 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, above dark green, below light green with reddish-brown markings near the base
- Inflorescence: 1-flowered, 13-18 cm long, densely pubescent
- Bloom: 6-7 cm wide, ~6 cm tall
- Plant: forms clumps in the wild
Habitat Data
- Distribution - overlapping that of P. helenae

- Elevation: 700-900 m
- Peak Flowering in the Wild: August-September
- Ecology: closed forests on very steep slopes of limestone mountains
- Mean Temperature Range: 10-25° C
- Light: light-moderate shade
- Medium: calcareous, humus and leaf litter
- Water (D-drier, M-moderate, W-wetter) -
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- Cribb (1998) considered it to be a natural hybrid between P. hirsutissimum var. esquirolei and P. barbigerum. He cites personal communication with Cox, who did a molecular analysis on a cultivated plant and concluded it was probably of hybrid origin.
- Averyanov (2003) considered it to be a, "more or less stabilized natural hybrid of P. hirsutissimum and another slipper species of P. insigne complex, most probably Paphiopedilum helenae. The morphology of P. x herrmannii is obviously intermediate between its putative parents, leaving little doubt as to its origin." Averyanov cites discoveries of P. x herrmannii growing in between P. hirsutissimum var. esquirolei and P. helenae as evidence for this origin.
- Braem (2003) considers it a "stabilised natural hybrid" and thus a valid species.
- Averyanov, L. et al. Slipper Orchids of Vietnam. Portland, OR: Timber Press, 2003.
- Braem, Guido J., and Guy Chiron. Paphiopedilum. Saint-Genis Laval, France: Tropicalia, 2003.
- Cribb, Phillip J. The Genus Paphiopedilum. Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia: Natural History Publications in association with Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1998.
Primary Hybrids
Paphiopedilum herrmannii x |
Hybrid |
schoseri |
Wössner Minibraun |
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Page Created By: Stephen Manza
Last Updated: 7-22-06
contact: silence882@gmail.com