Paphiopedilum malipoense var. jackii (Hua) Averyanov
- Described: Hua in Die Orchidee, 46(3): Back Cover (1995)
- Transferred: Averyanov in Orchids, 66(2): 150-155 (1997)
- Etymology: named for the late Dr. Jack Fowlie, a well-known orcid enthusiast
- Varieties & Forms:
Paphiopedilum malipoense var. jackii fma. virescens Gruss et Roeth, in Die Orchidee 52(1): 79 (2001) - albino form
- Synonyms:
Paphiopedilum malipoense var. hiepii (Averyanov in Orchids, 67(3): 260-263 (1998)) Cribb in The Genus Paphiopedilum: 88 (1998) - aberrant form of Paphiopedilum malipoense var. jackii found by Averyanov in Vietnam
- Chromosome Count - unknown
Plant Habit
- Leaves: above light green with faint tessellation and dark green venation, below light green sparsely spotted with purple
- Bloom: different from normal variety in having narrower petals, a smaller yellow-green lip and a white staminode with a yellow-green central mark and fine purple venation
Habitat Data
- Distribution - overlaps P. malipoense

- Elevation: 550-650 m
- Peak Flowering in the Wild: March-April
- Ecology: dry, open evergreen forests on limestone hills and mountains
- Mean Temperature Range: 15-28° C
- Light: light shade
- Medium: calcareous
- Water (D-drier, M-moderate, W-wetter) -
Month |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Water |
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D |
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W |
W |
W |
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- Grows more or less sympatrically with the normal variety, but never forms mixed colonies.
- Averyanov, L.V. et al. "Endangered Vietnamese Paphiopedilums, Part 3. Paphiopedilum malipoense." Orchids 66, no. 2 (Feb 1997): 150-55.
- Averyanov, L. et al. Slipper Orchids of Vietnam. Portland, OR: Timber Press, 2003.
- Braem, Guido J., and Guy Chiron. Paphiopedilum. Saint-Genis Laval, France: Tropicalia, 2003.
- Gruss, O. "Albino Forms of the Slipper Orchids." Orchid Digest 69, no. 4 (Oct/Dec 2005): 204-29.
Primary Hybrids
Paph. malipoense var. jackii x |
Hybrid |
armeniacum |
 Wössner Armenijack |
delenatii |
Wössner Pinkjack |
victoria-regina |
Wössner Grünspecht |
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Page Created By: Stephen Manza
Last Updated: 7-23-06
contact: silence882@gmail.com