Paphiopedilum mohrianum Braem
- Described: Braem in Orchid Digest, 53(2): 72-75 (1989)
- Etymology: Named for Hartmut Mohr of Wettenberg, Germany.
- Varieties & Forms: none
- Synonyms: none
- Chromosome Count: unknown
Plant Habit
- Leaves: 6-8, ~25 cm long, 6-7 cm wide, above mottled dark green and grey green, below uniformly green and keeled
- Inflorescence: 1-flowered, up to 40 cm long, green with red-brown spotting, brown-pubescent
- Bloom: ~12 cm wide, 9 cm tall
- Plant:

Habitat Data
- Distribution -

- Elevation: ?
- Peak Flowering in the Wild: ?
- Habitat: Specific habitat data has yet to be reported. Without this, ecological and climactic data cannot be accurately inferred.
- Cribb postulates that this taxon is a natural hybrid between Paph. bullenianum var. celebesense and Paph. javanicum. However, it seems to have closer affinities to Paph. mastersianum than Paph. javanicum. A natural hybrid between Paph. bullenianum and Paph. mastersianum seems a definite possibility. A cytological examination would go a long way in placing this taxon.
- Braem, G.J. "Paphiopedilum mohrianum, A New Slipper Orchid from Flores Island, Indonesia." Orchid Digest 53, no. 2 (Apr/Jun 1989): 72-75.
- Braem, Guido J., and Guy Chiron. Paphiopedilum. Saint-Genis Laval, France: Tropicalia, 2003.
- Cribb, Phillip J. The Genus Paphiopedilum. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia: Natural History Publications in association with Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1998.
Primary Hybrids - listed by the RHS as the natural hybrid Paph. javanicum x Paph. bullenianum, no hybrids have yet been registered.
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Page Created By: Stephen Manza
Last Updated: 7-23-06
contact: silence882@gmail.com