Glossary of Taxonomic Terms Related to The Slipper Orchids
Source: Simpson, MG. Plant Systematics. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press; 2006.
Color Pattern
- maculate - having small spots with a more or less uniform background
- pellucid - having translucent spots or patches
- variegated - having two or more colors occuring in various irregular patterns (usually used to describe leaves)
- cartilaginous - hard and tough but flexible
- coriaceous - thick and leathery, but somewhat flexible
- herbaceous - soft or slightly succulent
- indurate - hardened and inflexible
- membranous - thin and somewhat translucent
- mesophytic - intermediate between coriaceous and membranous
- ruminate - unevenly textured, coarsely wrinkled, looking as if chewed
- scareous - thin and appearing dry, usually whitish or brownish
- succulant [baccate or carnose] - fleshy and juicy
- woody - having a hard, woodlike texture
3D-shapes (add -oid to a 2D shape to get more terms)
- capitate - head shaped, spherical with a short basal stalk
- globose - spherical
- hemispheric - half-sphere shaped
- prolate - ellipsoid where the long axis is parallel to the point attachment
- oblate - ellipsoid where the long axis is perpendicular to the point of attachment
- clavate - club shaped, cylindrical with a gradually tapering, thickened and rounded end
- discoid - disk shaped
- fusiform - spindle shaped, narrowly ellipsoid with two attenuate ends
- filiform - threadlike or filamentous, being long, thin, and typically flexuous
- fistulose, fistular - cylindrical and hollow
- lenticular - lens-shaped, disk-shaped with two convex sides
- ligulate - tongue shaped, flattened and somewhat oblong in shape
- pilate - with a long, cylindrical stalk terminating in a globose or ellipsoid apical thickening
- terete - general plant term meaning cylindrical
- turbinate - top-shaped

Normal 2D-shape
- linear, narrowly oblong, oblong - sides straight and roughly parallel
- narrowly elliptic, elliptic, widely elliptic, orbicular - margins symmetrically curved with the widest point near the midpoint
- lanceolate, lance-ovate, ovate, widely ovate, very widely ovate - margins symmetrically curved with the widest point near the base
- oblanceolate, oblance-ovate, obovate, widely obovate, very widely obovate - margins symmetrically curved with the widest point near the apex
- narrowly triangular, triangular, widely triangular, deltate - three sided shape in which the sides are roughly straight

Special 2D-shapes
- ensifom - sword-shaped
- strap-shaped - flat, not needle-like, sides straight and roughtly parallel
- rhombic - four sided, parallelogram-like, widest near the middle
- trullate - four sided, widest near the base
- cordate(cordiform) - inverse-heart-shaped, roughly ovate with a cordate base
- pandurate - violin-shaped, obovate with the side margins concave
- reniform - kidney shaped, wider than long with a rounded apex and reniform base
- spatulate - oblong, obovate, or oblanceolate with a long attenuate base
- subulate - awl-shaped, ~narrowly oblong to narrowly triangular

Base Shapes
- attenuate - sides are incurved or approximately straight, basal margins concave
- narrowly cuneate, cuneate, obtuse- basal margins approximately straight
- truncate - basal margin cut straight across
- rounded - basal margins convex, forming a single, smooth arc
- cordate - having two rounded, smooth, basal lobes intersecting at a sharp angle
- reniform - having two rounded, smooth, basal lobes with smoothly concave intersection

Apex Shapes
- acuminate - apical margins concave
- caudate - abruptly acuminate into a long, narrowly triangular apical region
- cuspidate - abruptly acuminate into a triagular, stiff, or sharp apex
- narrowly acute, acute, obtuse - margins roughly straight
- truncate - margin cut straight across
- rounded - convex apical margins, forming a singal, smooth arc
- emarginate - having an apical incision cut 1/16 - 1/8 of the distance to midrib, midvein, or junction of primary veins
- retuse - having an apical incision cut up to 1/16 of the distance to midrib, midvein, or junction of primary veins

Margin Characteristics (the edge of an object)
- teeth - extend no more than 1/8 of the distance to the midline
- entire - without teeth
- serrate - sawlike teeth, sharp pointed and ascending, cut 1/16 - 1/8 of the distance to midline
- serrulate - diminuitive of serrate, teeth cut to 1/16 the distance to midline
- dentate - teeth that point outward at right angles to the margin outline, cut 1/16 - 1/8 of the distance to midline
- denticulate - diminuitive of dentate, cut to 1/16 of the distance to midline
- crenate - rounded to obtuse teeth that point outward at right angles or shallowly ascend, with teeth cut 1/16 - 1/8 of the distance to midline
- crenulate - diminuitive of crenate, teeth cut to 1/16 of the distance to midline
- ciliate - with trichomes (plant hairs) protruding from margins
- ciliolate - with minute trichomes protruding from margins (minutely ciliate)
- involute - with margins rolled upward
- revolute - with margins rolled under
Division (the presence and characteristics of sinuses [incisions])
- lobed - sinuses extending 1/8 to 1/4 of the distance to the midline
- cleft - sinuses extending 1/4 to 1/2 of the distance to the midline
- parted - sinuses extending 1/2 to 3/4 of the distance to the midline
- divided - sinuses extending 3/4 to almost to the midline
- decompound - deeply divided into numerous segments such that leaflets are not clearly defined
- sinus shapes
- dissected - divided into very fine, often indistinct segments
- bifid - 2-lobed to 2-divided, especially at the apex
- incised - the sinuses are sharp and deeply cut, usually jaggedly
- sinuate - the sinuses are shallow and smooth, wavy in a horizontal plane
- lacerate - sinuses that are irregularly cut, the lobes appearing torn
- laciniate - lobes that are cut into narrow, ribbonlike segments
- pectinate - comblike, being pinnately divided with close, very narrow lobes
Disposition (the relative placement of objects)
- position (relative to unlike parts)
- adaxial - the upper or inner surface of an organ
- abaxial - the lower or outer surface of an organ
- posterior - with respect to a horizontally oriented structure, the upper lobe or part
- anterior - with respect to a horizontally oriented structure, the lower lobe or part
- basal / radical - at or near the bottom or base of a structure
- proximal - near the point of orrigin or attachment
- apical / terminal - at or near the top, tip, or end of a structure
- distal - away from the point of origin or attachment
- lateral / axillary - on the side of a structure or at the axil (the adaxial region of a node)
- central - at or near the middle or middle plane of a structure
- circumferential - at or near the circumference of a rounded structure
- radical / basal - positioned at the base of the stem
- cauline - positioned along the length of the stem
- acrocaulis - positioned at the apex of the stem
- arrangement (relative to like parts)
- distichous - alternate with points of attachment in two vertical rows/ ranks
- imbricate - a general term for leaves or other structures overlapping
- valvate - the sides are enrolled so that the margins touch
- orientation (relative to a central axis)
- appressed - pressed closely to axis upward, with divergence angle of 0-15 from upper axis
- ascending - directed upward, wih divergence angle of 15-45 from upper axis
- inclined - directed upward, with divergance angle of 15-45 from horizontal axis
- divergent / horizontal (divaricate, patent) - more or less horizontally spreading
- reclined/ reclinate - directed downward, with divergence angle of 15-45 from horizontal axis
- descending - directed downward, with divergence angle of 15-45 from lower axis
- depressed - pressed closely to axis downward, with divergence angle of 0-15 from lower axis
- antrorse - bent or directed upward, usually referring to small appendages
- retrorse - bent or directed downward
- connivent - convergent apically without fusion
- erect - pointing upward
- pendant / pendulous - hanging downward loosely or freely
- deflexed - bent abruptly downward
- reflexed - bent or turned downward
- posture (relative to a flat plane)
- transverse posture - the placement of the tip (distal end) of an object with respect to a starting plane
- recurved - tip gradually curved outward or downward (abaxially)
- cernuous - tip drooping downward (abaxially)
- squarrose - sharply curved downward or outward (abaxially) near the apex
- incurved - tip gradually curved inward or upward (adaxially)
- plane/ straight - flat, without vertical curves or bends
- flexuous - the central axis and tip curved up and down
- longitudinal posture - the placement of the margins of an object with respect to a starting plane
- conduplicate - longitudinally folded at central axis, with adjacent adaxially sides facing one another
- revolute - with margins or outer portions of side rolled outward or downward over the abaxial surface
- involute - with margins or outer portion of sides rolled inward or upward over adaxial surface
- cup-shaped - concave-convex along entire surface (may be adaxially or abaxially concave)
- plicate - pleated with a series of longitudinal folds
- induplicate - plicate with adhacent adaxial sides facing one another, V-shaped in cross section
- reduplicate - plicate with adjacent abaxial sides facing one another (A-Shaped in cross-section_
- undulate/ repand - with margins wavy in a vertical plane
- twisting/ bending posture - refers to the posture of a twisting or bending object relative to a starting plane
- resupinate - inverted or twisted 180, as in most ovaries of Orchidaceae flowers
- geniculate - having a 'zig-zag' posture
- dextrorse - twining helically like a typical, right-handed screw
- sinistrorse - twining helically like a left-handed screw
- configuration (gross surface patterns of the epidermal cells)
- canaliculate - longitudinally grooved, usually in relation to petioles or midribs
- fenestrate - having windowlike holes in the surface
- punctate - covered with minute, pitlike depressions
- rugose / bullate - covered with coarse reticulate lines, usually with raised blisterlike areas between
- ruminate - unevenly textured, coarsely wrinkled, looking as if chewed
- smooth / plane - with a smooth configuration
- striate - with fine longitudinal lines
- wrinkled - with irregular, fine lines or deformations
- epidermal excrescence (surface patterns caused by secretions or structural outgrowths of the epidermis)
- glandular - covered with minute, blackish to translucent glands
- glaucous - covered with a smooth, usually whitish, waxy coating (that can be rubbed off with touch)
- shining (nitid / laevigate) - appearing lustrous or polished
- viscid / glutinous - having a shiny sticky surface
- aculeate / prickly - with prickles (sharp nonspine, nonthorn appendages)
- farinaceous (scurfy / granular) - finely mealy, covered with small granules
- muricate - having coarse, radially elongate, rounded protuberances
- papillate / tuberculate / verrucate - having minute, rounded protuberances
- scabrous - having a rough surface, like that of sandpaper
- vestiture (trichome cover)
- trichomes - surface hair-like structures
- glabrous - without trichomes at all
- subglabrous - with just a few, scattered trichomes
- glabrate - becoming glabrous with age by loss of trichomes
- bearded - with a single tuft or patch of trichomes arising from the surface of an object
- comose - an apical tuft of trichomes
- ciliate - with conspicuous marginal trichomes
- ciliolate - with tiny or small marginal trichomes
- pubescent - with more or less straight, short, soft, somewhat scattered, slender trichomes (sometimes used as a general term for having trichomes)
- puberulent - pubescent but with very short or sparse trichomes
- canescent/ incanous - whitish-pubescent, covered with dense, fine grayish to white trichomes
- tomentose - covered with very dense, interwoven trichomes
- tomentulose - tomentose but with very short trichomes
- villous / lanate - covered with long, soft, crooked trichones
- pilose - having soft, straight to slightly shaggy trichomes, generally at right angles to the surface
- arachnose / arachnoid - having trichomes forming a dense, cobwebby mass
- scabrous - having rough trichomes, like that of sandpaper
- scaberulous - minutely scabrous
- hirsute - having long, rather stiff trichomes
- hispid - having very long, stiff trichomes, often capable of penetrating skn
- urent - having hispid trichomes that are stinging
- strigose - covered with dense, coarse, bent and mostly flat trichomes often with a bulbous base
- strigulose - minutely strigose
- sericeous - with long appressed trichomes that have a silky appearance or sheen
- floccose - having dense trichomes that are in several patches or tufts
- trichome type (microscopic structure of individual trichomes)
- unicellular - consists of a single cell and is usually quite small
- multicellular - contains two or more cells
- uniseriate - having a single vertical row of cells
- multiseriate - having more than one vertical row of cells
- tapering - ending in a sharp apex
- malpighian / two-armed - with two arms arising from a common base
- glandular - secretory or excretory, usually having an apical glandular cell
- pilate-glandular - with a glandular cell atop an elongate basal stalk
- capitate-glandular - with a glandular cell having a very short or no basal stalk
- stellate - star-shaped having several arms arising from a common base (either stalked or sessile)
- dendritic - treelike with multiple lateral branches
- peltate - with a disk-shaped apical portion atop a pelately attached stalk
- intravaginal (axillary) squamules - trichomes found in the axils of typically sheathing leaves
- bristles - similar to trichomes but are generally much stouter
- plumose - feather-like, covered with fine, elongate, ciliate appendages
- uncinate / hooked - with an apical hooklike structure
- glochidiate - with apical, clustered barblike structures
- zygomorphic/ bilateral (irregular) - having one plane of symmetry
- biradial - having two planes of symmetry
- actinomorphic/ radial - with three or more planes of symmetry
- asymmetric - lacking any plane of symmetry
Temporal Phenomena
- duration
- plant duration - describes the length of life of an entire plant, annuals, biennials, or perennials
- annual - a plant living 1 year or less, typically living for one growing season within the year, annual plants are herbs
- biennial - a plant living 2 years, usually flowering in the second season
- perennial - a plant living more than 2 years
- evergreen - persistent two or more growing seasons
- deciduous - persistent for one growing season, then falling off
- maturation (relative time of development of plant parts)
- anthesis - the time of flowering, when flowers open with parts available for pollination
- protandrous - stamens or anthers developing before the carpels or stigma
- protogynous - stigma or carpels developing before the stamens or anthers
- periodicity
- diurnal - during the day
- nocturnal - during the night
- matutinal - in the morning
- vespertine - in the evening
- vernal - appearing in spring
- aestival - appearing in summer
- autumnal - appearing in fall
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Page Created By: Stephen Manza
Last Updated: 10-8-06
contact: silence882@gmail.com